Partner with the R.B. Annis School of Engineering

Many opportunities exist for industries, individuals, or other organizations to collaborate and partner with the R. B. Annis School of Engineering, including career fairs, job ad postings, seminars, site visits, sponsorship, collaborations, etc. See the various opportunities in detail below.

Project Collaboration through DesignSpine

Each year in our DesignSpine curriculum we partner with local business, individuals, or organizations to educate our students through real-world, hands-on projects. This allows our students to work on authentic projects, benefiting students and clients. For more info and to submit a project idea, visit our Project Opportunities with UIndy Engineering page.

Annual Engineering Career Fair

The Annual Engineering Career Fair is typically held in early October in the R. B. Annis Hall. If interested in participating in this event, be sure to complete the partnership interest form below. All UIndy Engineering and Computer Science students are invited to the event. Currently, there is no cost for companies to participate.


We invite you to hold a seminar for our students, informing them about opportunities your company has for our engineering and computer science students. Typically these seminars take place on Tuesdays from 11am to noon as a brown-bag style event. To increase turnout, you might consider providing lunch for our students. Thursdays at 6pm also work well for our students’ schedules.

Site Visits

We regularly take our engineering students off campus to visit local industries to learn more about the profession. If your company or organization would like to host our students, let us know.

Sponsorship Opportunities

There are various sponsorship opportunities through the R. B. Annis School of Engineering. Each year, UIndy students compete in national competitions. Also, there are potential opportunities to sponsor one of our lab spaces. For more information on this, reach out to the Associate Dean and Director.

Sign up on our contact list

If you would like to be included in future communications regarding the various opportunities listed above, be sure to complete the interest form:Partnership Interest Form

Post Job ads For our students

If you would like us to share a job ad with all of our engineering students, draft an email addressed to the students with the job information, and then send it to the chair of the School’s Undergraduate Research and Career Committee, Dr. MD Rashedul Sarker,, and we will help you spread the word to our students.

Undergraduate Research and Career Committee (URCC)

The URCC plans and organizes events with industry and research partners. For any questions, please reach out to Dr. MD Rashedul Sarker,

Connect with us on Social Media

Through our social media accounts, you can connect directly with our students. For example, in our LinkedIn group, you can post job ads and other info directly in the group.

UIndy R.B. Annis School of Engineering's Facebook UIndy R.B. Annis School of Engineering's Twitter UIndy R.B. Annis School of Engineering's LinkedIn