- Office of the Registrar
- Academic Petitions
- Drop/Add and Withdrawal
- Forms
- Request a Transcript
- Request a Duplicate Diploma
- Apostille Document Request
- Verification of Enrollment
- Updating Your Name
- Academic Calendars
- Academic Catalogs
- Curriculum Guides
- Articulation Agreements
- Course Schedules
- Final Exam Schedule
- Registration Information
- Spring Term
- Academic Alert and Ineligibility
- Accessing Registrar Services Online
- Credit by Examination
- Dean's List and Honor Roll
- DegreeWorks
- FERPA/Confidentiality of Student Records
- Grades/GPA
- Parent/Guardian Proxy
- Repeating a Course
- Special Course Registration
- Student Services Quick Guide
- Transfer Credit
- Waitlisting
Additional Policy Information
Tuition and Fees
Registration is not considered complete until all tuition and fees have been paid or financial arrangements have been made with the Office of Student Billing and Payment, (317) 788-3221. Payment is accepted in any of the following forms: (1) online on UIndy Self-Service, (2) in full by cash or check, (3) on a partial basis under the Deferred Payment Plan, (4) by a University-approved employer authorization form, or (5) by VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Any financial arrangement other than those listed above must be made in advance of the payment deadline. Contact the Office of Student Billing and Payment Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for additional information about payment of tuition and fees.
More information about UIndy tuition and fees can be found on the following sites:
Students who change enrollment or residency plans may be eligible for a refund of tuition, fees, room, or board charges. The Refund Policy outlines the circumstances under which a refund is applicable and the procedures a student must follow to secure a refund. Full or partial refunds may be given to students who drop courses, completely withdraw from the University, or change to commuter status.
During the first week of classes, those undergraduate students who drop below full-time enrollment (12 hours) or drop extra hours for which they have been charged, as well as those part-time students who drop hours, will be eligible for a 100% refund or tuition of dropped classes and some fees. No record of enrollment for the class or classes will appear on a student’s permanent record.
After the published 100% refund deadline students are allowed to withdraw from a class or classes, but no refund will be made for individually dropped courses. A grade of W is posted to the student’s permanent record for classes from which the student withdrawals after the 100% deadline.
Upon registration, each student accepts all University policies regarding refunds outlined in the Refund Policy brochure. You are, therefore, encouraged to view the refund policy brochure.
UIndy has partnered with Higher One, Inc. to disburse refunds to students. All refunds to students will be disbursed through the Higher One Easy Refund Card System.
Visit easyrefundcard.com or contact the Office of Student Billing and Payment at (317) 788-3221 for more information. Exceptions: Eligible parents will be issued a check from UIndy for excess funds created from a Parent Loan disbursement. Credit balances created by credit/debit card payments will refunded to the appropriate card.
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Office administers a number of programs that provide students with financial assistance in paying tuition and fees. To be eligible for any type of financial aid, you must submit the appropriate forms to that office by the deadlines set by the aid agencies. For information about these programs, deadlines for applying for aid, and eligibility, call the Financial Aid Office at (317) 788-3217.
Vehicle Registration
Registration is required each academic year for each vehicle you operate on campus. You may register your vehicle with Campus Police or the Student Business Center in Schwitzer Student Center, Room 105.
Identification Cards
Each student enrolled at UIndy must have an ID card, which provides access to the library, computer labs, writing and math labs, Ruth Lilly Fitness Center, and other campus services. Resident students will also use their ID card for meal service.
New Day students: to obtain a new photo ID card, visit the Student Business Center in Schwitzer Student Center, Room 105.
Attendance and Withdrawal Policies
Attendance - Class attendance is considered an important part of the educational process at the University of Indianapolis. All students are expected to attend class regularly.
Each instructor sets specific guidelines for attendance and penalties for excessive absences. Failure to attend class may result in administrative withdrawal from or failure of a course.
Withdrawal policies at the University of Indianapolis are as follows:
- The student has the responsibility of initiating official withdrawal from a course or from the University by completing the necessary forms. Discontinuing class attendance is not considered official withdrawal, though some instructors do withdraw students for excessive absences. Administrative withdrawal for lack of attendance will result in a grade of WN (withdrawn administratively) on the permanent record.
- Official withdrawals must be made in person in the Registrar’s Office or in a letter addressed to the Registrar.
- Day students who withdraw from all classes must initiate a complete withdrawal by meeting with the Registrar or Associate Registrar.
- The University reserves the right to withdraw a student administratively for cheating or plagiarism, excessive absences, or misconduct of any kind.
More information about the university’s withdrawal policies and other forms
Special Programs
Senior Citizens Program
Persons 65 years of age or older and retired may register for regular undergraduate courses at the University of Indianapolis through the tuition-free Senior Citizens Program. Enrollment is based on space availability. Persons participating in the program pay any course or laboratory fees. (Fees are nonrefundable.)
The University reserves the right to restrict persons to one course per semester in the Senior Citizens Program. Independent studies, internships, practica, private music, art, and computer courses may not be taken through the Senior Citizens Program.
Alumni Program
If you are an alumnus or alumna and have earned a baccalaureate or master’s degree from the University of Indianapolis, you may attend undergraduate classes without charge.
To participate in this program, you must contact Kathy Elliott in the Registrar’s Office (788-3504) at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. You are not required to complete the formal registration process. Registration is contingent upon instructor approval and space availability. Please note that no credit will be awarded, but the course will be notated as an audited course on your transcript.
In compliance with the federal Student Right to Know legislation, the University of Indianapolis must publish the graduation rate for students who complete their degree requirements in 150 percent of the normal time. The graduation rate for the full-time freshmen entering the University in the fall of 2016 was 60.1 percent.
In addition, the University must publish the fall-to-fall retention rate for full time freshmen. 61.5 percent of freshmen who enrolled for the first time in the fall of 2021 were still enrolled in the fall of 2022.