Employer Deferment Plan

For students whose employers will reimburse student educational costs, UIndy offers an employer deferment plan that, for a $10 fee, allows students to defer payment of tuition and fees up to two weeks after a class ends. Only students enrolled in extended, accelerated and some graduate classes are eligible to apply for this payment plan.

Follow this process to apply:

  1. Obtain employer verification letter or complete the Employer Tuition Benefit Verification form.
  2. Complete the application form and return it to the Office of Student Billing and Payments, along with a $10 payment (check or online pre-payment) for the Employer Deferment Plan fee.
  3. It is recommended that you complete deferment procedures for only one session at a time, as all fees are non-refundable.
  4. After the UIndy Office of Student Billing and Payment approves your application, you will receive a confirmation email.
  5. Payment is due two weeks after the end of class. If payment is not received by the due date, one automatic two-week extension will be granted with an additional $25 non-refundable fee.
  6. If payment has not been made by the extension due date, eligibility for the Employer Deferment Plan will be permanently terminated.
  7. If your course term extends beyond 16 weeks, you are only eligible to defer your payment up to two weeks maximum.


*For the purpose of this program, accelerated students are those enrolled in an Adult Learning Program. Amount to be deferred may not exceed the IRS maximum non-taxable employer tuition reimbursement allowance.